Support Constructive Visions!

Thank you for joining the Constructive Visions Collective! Our book is a labor of love for a future that is possible if we all get our hands dirty and make it happen. To expand the reach of our stories, we are turning them into an e-book, a limited edition physical copy, and a Digital Constructive Visions Collective - collaborating with educational institutions around the world.
We are raising $16K to make this vision happen. Please click on the link below to support the constructive visions collective!
The funds will be used to develop an e-book PDF that is beautifully crafted and that can be downloaded anywhere around the world. It will include art, stories, and educational challenges. Click here to download the PDF version of constructive visions! 100 limited edition copies of Constructive Visions will be available for a limited time period.
Click on the link to support the Constructive Visions Collective. Funds will be used by the Impact Education team to partner with schools around the world for co-developing curriculum to better discuss the socio-environmental nexus, with reading reflections, and extra-curricular locally relevant impact-education activities.
Thank you for being part of our collective future!